- cubble::climate_ausAustralia climate data
- cubble::climate_flatToy climate data
- cubble::climate_melToy climate data
- cubble::covidDaily COVID count data (in 'tsibble') and Victoria LGA (in 'sf')
- cubble::historical_tmaxAustralia climate data
- cubble::lgaDaily COVID count data (in 'tsibble') and Victoria LGA (in 'sf')
- cubble::meteoToy climate data
- cubble::meteo_tsToy climate data
- cubble::riverAustralia river data
- cubble::stationsToy climate data
- cubble::stations_sfToy climate data
- ferrn::boaSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::boa5Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::boa6Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::holes_1d_betterData objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
- ferrn::holes_1d_geoData objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
- ferrn::holes_1d_jellyfishData objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
- ferrn::holes_2d_betterData objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
- ferrn::holes_2d_better_max_triesData objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
- ferrn::holes_2d_jellyfishData objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
- ferrn::pipe1000Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::pipe1000_10dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::pipe1000_12dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::pipe1000_4dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::pipe1000_6dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::pipe1000_8dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::sine1000Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::sine1000_4dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::sine1000_6dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- ferrn::sine1000_8dSimulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
- tidyindex::aqiAir Quality Index (AQI)
- tidyindex::aqi_ref_tblAir Quality Index (AQI)
- tidyindex::aus_climateWeather data for in-situ stations in Queensland from 1990 to 2020
- tidyindex::gggiGlobal Gender Gap Index (2023)
- tidyindex::gggi_weightsGlobal Gender Gap Index (2023)
- tidyindex::hdiHuman Development Index (2022)
- tidyindex::hdi_scalesHuman Development Index (2022)
- tidyindex::pollutant_ref_tblAir Quality Index (AQI)
- tidyindex::queenslandWeather data for in-situ stations in Queensland from 1990 to 2020
- tidyindex::tenterfieldWeather data for in-situ stations in Queensland from 1990 to 2020