1. cubble::climate_aus
    Australia climate data
    spatial_cubble_df|639 x 7
  2. cubble::climate_flat
    Toy climate data
  3. cubble::climate_mel
    Toy climate data
    spatial_cubble_df|3 x 7
  4. cubble::covid
    Daily COVID count data (in 'tsibble') and Victoria LGA (in 'sf')
  5. cubble::historical_tmax
    Australia climate data
    spatial_cubble_df|75 x 7
  6. cubble::lga
    Daily COVID count data (in 'tsibble') and Victoria LGA (in 'sf')
  7. cubble::meteo
    Toy climate data
  8. cubble::meteo_ts
    Toy climate data
  9. cubble::river
    Australia river data
    spatial_cubble_df|71 x 6
  10. cubble::stations
    Toy climate data
  11. cubble::stations_sf
    Toy climate data
  12. ferrn::boa
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
  13. ferrn::boa5
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
  14. ferrn::boa6
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
  15. ferrn::holes_1d_better
    Data objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
  16. ferrn::holes_1d_geo
    Data objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
  17. ferrn::holes_1d_jellyfish
    Data objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
  18. ferrn::holes_2d_better
    Data objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
  19. ferrn::holes_2d_better_max_tries
    Data objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
  20. ferrn::holes_2d_jellyfish
    Data objects collected during the projection pursuit optimisation
  21. ferrn::pipe1000
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 6
  22. ferrn::pipe1000_10d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 10
  23. ferrn::pipe1000_12d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 12
  24. ferrn::pipe1000_4d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 4
  25. ferrn::pipe1000_6d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 6
  26. ferrn::pipe1000_8d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 8
  27. ferrn::sine1000
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 6
  28. ferrn::sine1000_4d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 4
  29. ferrn::sine1000_6d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 6
  30. ferrn::sine1000_8d
    Simulated sine, pipe, and gaussian mixture
    matrix|1000 x 8
  31. tidyindex::aqi
    Air Quality Index (AQI)
  32. tidyindex::aqi_ref_tbl
    Air Quality Index (AQI)
  33. tidyindex::aus_climate
    Weather data for in-situ stations in Queensland from 1990 to 2020
  34. tidyindex::gggi
    Global Gender Gap Index (2023)
  35. tidyindex::gggi_weights
    Global Gender Gap Index (2023)
  36. tidyindex::hdi
    Human Development Index (2022)
  37. tidyindex::hdi_scales
    Human Development Index (2022)
  38. tidyindex::pollutant_ref_tbl
    Air Quality Index (AQI)
  39. tidyindex::queensland
    Weather data for in-situ stations in Queensland from 1990 to 2020
  40. tidyindex::tenterfield
    Weather data for in-situ stations in Queensland from 1990 to 2020