Below we will introduce Air Quality Index (AQI), and demonstrate how to use tidyindex package to compute it based on existing datasets.
The Air Quality Index (AQI) is an index created to measure air quality, with high values indicating greater pollution levels. The index categorized into six levels, each corresponding to a specific numerical range:
The AQI is calculated individually for each of the six major pollutants: Ozone (O3), PM2.5, PM10, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). The pollution concentrations are first truncated, and then the AQI value for each pollutant is calculated based on the following equation:
$$\text{I}_\text{p} = \frac{\text{I}_\text{Hi} - \text{I}_\text{Lo}}{\text{BP}_\text{Hi} - \text{BP}_\text{Lo}}(\text{C}_\text{p} - \text{BP}_\text{Lo}) + \text{I}_\text{Lo}.$$ where:
Ip is the AQI for pollutant p,
Cp is the truncated concentration of pollutant p,
BPHi and BPLo are the high and low concentration breakpoints of Cp, which are provided in Table 6 of the Technical Assistance Document for the Reporting of Daily Air Quality.
IHi and ILo are the AQI values corresponding to BPHi and BPLo, respectively.
Each individual AQI value is rounded to the nearest integer, and the highest value among the six pollutant is taken as the final AQI.
As an example, with an 8-hour measurement of CO value of 4.67, this value is first truncate to 4.6. For CO concentrations ranging from 4.5 to 9.4, the corresponding AQI range is 51 to 100. Using the formula above, the AQI is calculated as follows:
$$\frac{100 - 51}{9.4 - 4.5}\times(4.6 - 4.5) + 51 = 75.01,$$
This gives an AQI value of 75 for CO after rounding.
In this section, we will demonstrate how to compute the AQI using the
package. The aqi
data, available in
the tidyindex
package, contains daily PM2.5 values recorded
from January to March 2024 at three monitoring sites in Travis county,
Texas, USA.
#> # A tibble: 272 × 9
#> pollutant code date value aqi long lat site_code site_name
#> <chr> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-01 10 53 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 2 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-02 9.1 51 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 3 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-03 7.1 39 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 4 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-04 10.3 53 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 5 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-05 3.7 21 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 6 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-06 4.5 25 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 7 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-07 6.2 34 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 8 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-08 7.5 42 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 9 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-09 2.7 15 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> 10 PM2.5 88101 2024-01-10 7.5 42 -97.8 30.4 14 Austin North Hi…
#> # ℹ 262 more rows
To compute the AQI, as outlined in Section 1, we must first determine
the high and low breakpoints for each sample measurement, as well as the
corresponding AQI breakpoints. The helper functions below are designed
to assist with retrieving this breakpoint information and augmenting
them into the aqi
lookup_helper <- function(sample, subset){
return(subset %>% filter(sample >= low & sample <= high))
breakpoint_lookup <- function(dataset){
# takes the dataset of measurements as input
# returns a tibble object with corresponding breakpoints and group info
id <- dataset$code[1]
concentration <- dataset$value
if(id == "44201"){
concentration <- trunc(concentration * 10^3)/10^3
else if (id == "88101" | id == "42101"){
concentration <- trunc(concentration * 10)/10
concentration <- trunc(concentration)
subset <- pollutant_ref_tbl %>% filter(code == id)
results <- map_dfr(concentration, ~ lookup_helper(.x, subset)) %>%
bind_cols(aqi |> select(-pollutant, -code))
The lookup_helper()
function finds the high and low
breakpoints for any given samples. The breakpoint_lookup()
function first truncates each measurement based on the pollutant, then
calls lookup_helper()
to augment the high/low breakpoints
and group information.
(aqi_aug <- breakpoint_lookup(aqi))
#> # A tibble: 272 × 12
#> pollutant code group low high date value aqi long lat
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 PM2.5 88101 Unhealthy 9.1 35.4 2024-01-01 10 53 -97.8 30.4
#> 2 PM2.5 88101 Unhealthy 9.1 35.4 2024-01-02 9.1 51 -97.8 30.4
#> 3 PM2.5 88101 Very Unhealthy 0 9 2024-01-03 7.1 39 -97.8 30.4
#> 4 PM2.5 88101 Unhealthy 9.1 35.4 2024-01-04 10.3 53 -97.8 30.4
#> 5 PM2.5 88101 Very Unhealthy 0 9 2024-01-05 3.7 21 -97.8 30.4
#> 6 PM2.5 88101 Very Unhealthy 0 9 2024-01-06 4.5 25 -97.8 30.4
#> 7 PM2.5 88101 Very Unhealthy 0 9 2024-01-07 6.2 34 -97.8 30.4
#> 8 PM2.5 88101 Very Unhealthy 0 9 2024-01-08 7.5 42 -97.8 30.4
#> 9 PM2.5 88101 Very Unhealthy 0 9 2024-01-09 2.7 15 -97.8 30.4
#> 10 PM2.5 88101 Very Unhealthy 0 9 2024-01-10 7.5 42 -97.8 30.4
#> # ℹ 262 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: site_code <dbl>, site_name <chr>
Note that to efficiently use the tidyindex pipeline, it is recommended to put all needed data columns into one single dataframe or tibble object.
The construction of AQI can be divided into two steps:
The minmax rescaling is performed by the rescaling
module and the rescale_minmax()
step requires
and max
argument, which correspond to teh
low and high breakpoints we’ve looked up. The rescaled values are stored
in the minmax
pipeline <- init(aqi_aug) |>
rescaling(minmax = rescale_minmax(value, min = low, max = high))
pipeline$data %>% dplyr::select(pollutant, date, low, high, value, minmax)
#> # A tibble: 272 × 6
#> pollutant date low high value minmax
#> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 PM2.5 2024-01-01 9.1 35.4 10 0.0342
#> 2 PM2.5 2024-01-02 9.1 35.4 9.1 0
#> 3 PM2.5 2024-01-03 0 9 7.1 0.789
#> 4 PM2.5 2024-01-04 9.1 35.4 10.3 0.0456
#> 5 PM2.5 2024-01-05 0 9 3.7 0.411
#> 6 PM2.5 2024-01-06 0 9 4.5 0.5
#> 7 PM2.5 2024-01-07 0 9 6.2 0.689
#> 8 PM2.5 2024-01-08 0 9 7.5 0.833
#> 9 PM2.5 2024-01-09 0 9 2.7 0.3
#> 10 PM2.5 2024-01-10 0 9 7.5 0.833
#> # ℹ 262 more rows
While an affine transformation step is not initially included in the
package, you can always easily create one:
trans_affine <- function(var, a = NULL, b = NULL){
fn <- function(x, a = NULL, b = NULL) a*x + b
new_trans("trans_affine", var = enquo(var),
fn = fn, a = enquo(a), b = enquo(b))
The trans_affine
function has three inputs:
, the variable to be transformed;a
, the multiplicative coefficient, andb
, the additive constantThe fn
function specifies the transformation as
a*x + b
. The new_trans()
constructor is then
called to register the name along with other inputs, including the
transformed variable, the transformation function fn
, and
associated parameters a
and b
. This creates a
“recipe” for the transformation that can be evaluated standalone and
used in the variable_trans()
trans_affine(minmax, a = high - low, b = low)
#> [1] "trans_affine"
#> attr(,"var")
#> <quosure>
#> expr: ^minmax
#> env: global
#> attr(,"fn")
#> function (x, a = NULL, b = NULL)
#> a * x + b
#> <bytecode: 0x55f4a5788818>
#> <environment: 0x55f4a57880e0>
#> attr(,"args")
#> attr(,"args")$a
#> <quosure>
#> expr: ^high - low
#> env: global
#> attr(,"args")$b
#> <quosure>
#> expr: ^low
#> env: global
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "var_trans"
Note: the enquo()
function is required for
additional parametersa
and b
in the
constructor. This creates a defused expression
that describes how to evaluate the values but not actually execute the
evaluation. For more details, see rlang::enquo()
This concludes our pipeline for computing the AQI:
pipeline <- pipeline |>
variable_trans(AQI = trans_affine(minmax, a = high - low, b = low))
pipeline$data$AQI <- round(pipeline$data$AQI)
pipeline$data |> dplyr::select(pollutant, date, low, high, value, minmax, AQI)
#> # A tibble: 272 × 7
#> pollutant date low high value minmax AQI
#> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 PM2.5 2024-01-01 9.1 35.4 10 0.0342 10
#> 2 PM2.5 2024-01-02 9.1 35.4 9.1 0 9
#> 3 PM2.5 2024-01-03 0 9 7.1 0.789 7
#> 4 PM2.5 2024-01-04 9.1 35.4 10.3 0.0456 10
#> 5 PM2.5 2024-01-05 0 9 3.7 0.411 4
#> 6 PM2.5 2024-01-06 0 9 4.5 0.5 4
#> 7 PM2.5 2024-01-07 0 9 6.2 0.689 6
#> 8 PM2.5 2024-01-08 0 9 7.5 0.833 8
#> 9 PM2.5 2024-01-09 0 9 2.7 0.3 3
#> 10 PM2.5 2024-01-10 0 9 7.5 0.833 8
#> # ℹ 262 more rows
Now let’s check our results. Below we show a line graph with AQI values from all three monitor sites, computed using our pipeline.
pipeline$data$date <- as.Date(pipeline$data$date)
ggplot(pipeline$data, aes(x = date, y = AQI, color = site_name)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title = "AQI Values Over Time by Site",
x = "Date",
y = "AQI",
color = "Monitor Sites") +
theme_minimal() +
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b %Y", date_breaks = "1 month") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")